A beautiful Hyde park visit

Its been a while since I took off on solo trips. Today some how was one of those days after a long long time. I’d finished some work for my assignments and then been feeling meh after a heavy lunch. I wanted to step out to get groceries and shop something. But what was to be a trip to shop at M&S, ended up being a Hyde park trip.

Because I often spend my days cocooned in my tiny nest, I don’t get the feeling that I’m on London. Off late, I’ve been meaning to explore more of London because I’m starting to get a better hang of my academics and today is perhaps one of the firsts in that direction.

Never did I think I’d enjoy these green expanses, large trees, flowers and birds so much. But somehow after walking amidst them for about an hour, I feel a sense of calm.

I think indulging in activities beyond myself is an excellent way to not live in my head, drowning in my convoluted thoughts and questions. As much as I enjoy those, a break from them is necessary to do them well. If you’re the kind who’d spend a lot of time reflecting and inspecting yourself in an attempt to change or improve things, perhaps it’s good to catch a break and shift your focus to everything else around you. I find that we learn the smallness of us and our life when we spend more time with those that are larger than us and life itself.

Summer is here and I must say – I’m loving London now. I stepped out of the house without a coat for the first time and I didn’t feel cold enough to layer up throughout my time outside. That’s a big deal for me because I’m known to feel super cold at all times! Today is also interesting for me because I did not click a single picture of mine. Neither was I interested in getting myself clicked against these picturesque backgrounds. Had I been still using Instagram, I’d have been engrossed in clicking an Instagram worthy picture and posting live status updates and then engaging with the back and forth of likes, comments and messages those would bring. It was nice to not do that. I feel like I’m able to enjoy the experience a lot more without these compulsions.

A thing about blogging here is that I can focus on my writing without worrying about putting out a beautiful image. I can also post multiple posts of varying lengths as and when I please. I seek to be enjoying this creative freedom.

I’m glad that I’m taking such a break and immersing myself in what my surroundings have to offer. Documenting still remains close to me and I’m glad I’m doing it through my blog. I’m not sure who is reading these anymore. I do wonder if it matters whether anyone is reading. And then I answer myself that today, I write for myself. And if someone happens to read and enjoy it, good for them! But I’m happy to even put these out there as an experience I’ve lived and enjoyed.