WIT Program Plan and Induction

In the 4 weeks of engagement with our Cohort 1, we have some real huge things in mind. Let me walk you through our program plan.

Program Design

Before talking about the Program Plan, let me share some perspectives about how we went about designing the program.

Feeling we wish to leave you with

I can figure it out on my own

Applying to opportunities is no rocket science. It is something everyone can figure out on their own and should be able to figure out on their own. Which is why, “I can figure it out on my own” is the feeling we wish to leave you with.

The program has been designed with this in mind. Which is why we have tended towards you figuring it out on your own and also getting used to the process.

Our attempt would be guide you, shape your efforts and see how we can accelerate your figuring out process.

Creating Assets

This was a very important point we had in mind while designing the program. We wanted you to take back something solid. Actual assets that you can showcase in your Resume and talk about in your interviews.

This is why we have our program deeply tied to the idea of #publish.

We will have the participants publish everything so that it is available for people out there to take a look.

Every weekly activity has been designed such that you figure something out on your own, create an asset and publish it.

Learning Frameworks

These were the key learning frameworks we wanted to leverage in the program.

  1. Learn by Doing
  2. Learn by helping others learn (Documenting learning using TWTW)
  3. Learn to leverage digital tools
  4. Learn to learn on their own

Program Plan

Week 1 — Discover

Week 2 — Build

Week 3 — Connect

Week 4 — Apply


In the Induction phase, you will do an introduction video of yours and also create a personal website for yourself.

Week 1

You learn how to discover opportunities, research about them and validate them.

Assets: Open source contribution to Wiki

Week 2

You build a project in under a week and publish it.

Assets: Project

Week 3

You connect with previous winners of opportunities and interview them.

You also connect with people you look up to and interview them.

Assets: Published interviews

Week 4

You figure out how to apply and put in an application to the WIT-GHCI Application form. (To be considered for the GHCI Scholarships we will be facilitating)

Assets: Creating essential Application Documents such as Resume, Essays.


Every week, we will have an activity. The discussions will happen on chat and we will all together try and do activity.

We will have a guidance blog post/video/email or Youtube Live on how and why we will be going about the activity and why the activity prior to the hands-on session.

You will have some homework activities or end goals to meet post our activity, which you are expected to finish by weekend and submit.

Every weekend, you will be submitting a TWTW (The Week That Was), your weekly learning blog discussing what you attempted to do and what your learning was.

Ground Rules

Some ground rules before we begin:

Abide by the Code of Conduct

At WIT/Rethink, we want everyone to have a safe and healthy experience. Cases of harassment and abuse will be viewed with zero tolerance.

Do read through our Learning Community Guidelines very carefully and do note that by participating in the WIT Program you agree to abide by these:


Always cc v@r (volunteers@rethinkfoundation.in)

v@r is our Governance mechanism. Having v@r in the loop is a check and balance mechanism where everything we write about is made aware to only the key volunteers at Rethink.

v@r also helps everyone stay in the loop and step in wherever help is needed.

Keep communication to emails or groups (No DMs)

To get in touch with anyone at Rethink, you may use email or telegram groups only. Personal DMs or Phone calls are not encouraged.

In cases where you wish to get on a call, make the request over email and arrange an appear call instead.

Be on time

Respect everyone’s time. Be on time. Always.

In the professional world, no one waits for you. And you shouldn’t make them wait for you.

WIT-GHCI Scholarship

The WIT-GHCI Scholarship will be offered to top 5 performers of the WIT Learning Program. The scholarship is sponsored by AnitaB.Org and covers a GHCI Conference pass and also a travel grant.

This scholarship is open to only the participants of Cohort 1 of the WIT Program.

More about it here:
