What I loved about NTU

This is about things I found amusing/interesting/useful form NTU. To know more about my visit to NTU, read here: Lessons to adopt from Universities in Singapore

They don’t have to go to classes.

They can instead learn by watching recordings of classes! But if they do wish to take classes, they have to pre-book them.

Flipped classroom implementation.

Our traditional classroom model is where a teacher takes sessions to educate the students and then the students do activities/homework/assignments to develop deeper understanding of the concepts. Flipped classroom model is where students learn on their own and then collaborate in class to do activities. 
This entire building, called the Hive, was built to facilitate Flipped classroom activities/collaboration.

Room for fun

They have student activities areas where you can lounge, play foosball and boardgames, watch movies and what not!

PS: Any place with foosball has my heart and approval and boardgames are my new found interest. You see why I loved NTU lots? 😛

You will be drawn to the libraries!

Their library culture and system is a marvel. Each library at NTU is designed with such thought and consideration. You’ll see a lot of students learning, reading, checking out stuff in the libraries.

Libraries also have meeting spaces that you can pre-book. But they also have sleeping pods where you can take a short 30 minute nap!

Sleeping pod and meeting spaces.

Libraries have more than books. What you see below is their documentary and movie collection. As long as you have earphones, you can lounge there and watch the movies.

If you’re a big screen person, you can get a secluded big screen to watch the movie with your buddies. 3 people can watch a movie together and each of you will get a bluetooth earphone as well!

You have lots of avenues to pick up career guidance and secure jobs

The Career and attachment office at NTU offers career guidance to all students. You may reach out to them at any time, attend their workshops or speak to a counsellor.

They also host a career fair every year where you can go and network with companies coming there. Unlike the Indian Placement system, there, the onus to secure a job is on the student while the college tries its best to prepare you for the role and secure it.

We got to attend a career fair. Was super similar to the GHCI career fair.

NTU is closer to home than I thought

Remember that photostat shop near all our colleges where we get lecture notes? There’s one like that here as well 🙂

This is the mallu collective at NTU. Or let me say, a segment of the larger mallu collective! We got to interact with about 15 mallus from there and they come from all engineering colleges in the state — GEC, CET, MEC, CUSAT, MACE, TKM. you name it!

We felt home at NTU with their company and warmth. Like how we gather around the gallery or at Sundarettan’s chayakkada in GECT, these guys also hangout every evening at 4pm in their local canteen. Life there is not soo different afterall!

When we fondly remember NTU memories, I must introduce you to Pallavi. She is my super super senior from GECT and is currently pursuing her PhD at NTU. She was our host and guide during our stay at NTU. She took us around the campus, set us up on a coffee chat with her peers and was super warm!

Shoutout to Pallavi!