Failure Resume

I came across Ankur Warikoo’s video where he talks about his failures. A bit more of my research pulled up a pdf version of the failure resume he shared in 2016.

Like he says in the video as well, it is easy to look at someone’s trajectory and think that they’ve only had successes in the past.

To get the full picture of a person’s journey, one must look at their failures as well.

It’s interesting how there’s so much stigma around us talking actively about our failures. We’re very likely to be judged for it by the people around us. But at the same time, I was asked about my biggest failure and my learnings in an interview. an organisation that places merits in accepting that an individual may have had failures and that those failures have had a role in the making of this person definitely seems attractive.

The question still remains as to whether or not we’re independently able to write about our failures in public – with the same guts and candidness that Ankur talks about it.

I’m still thinking about it. I do have a private journal that documents my failures and learnings. I wouldn’t know if it’s time to go public just yet.

Would you be comfortable with sharing a failure resume? why or why not? I’m still trying to get clarity on this and would be interested to hear your opinion!

Here’s a pdf failure resume he shared in 2016

Here’s Ankur’s video: